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Listen a Minute – Eggs

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Eggs are great. Where would we be without them? They are so useful. I can’t imagine life or cooking without them.


There are many ways of cooking eggs for breakfast – fried eggs, scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, etc. There are even many ways of “cooking” these. You can have a runny or hard fried egg or even have it sunny side up. You can have soft or hard-boiled eggs and fluffy scrambled eggs. There are also many things to put on top of eggs – mayonnaise, ketchup, salt, soy sauce. Each country has something different.

fried eggs – jajka sadzone

scrambled eggs – jajecznica

boiled eggs – jajka gotowane

runny fried egg – jajko sadzone z rozlewającym się żółtkiem

hard fried egg – jajko sadzone z mocno zapieczonym żółtkiem

sunny side up – jajko sadzone smażone na jednej stronie (żółtko w całości)

soft-boiled egg – jajko (gotowane) na miękko

hard-boiled egg – jajko (gotowane) na twardo

fluffy scrambled eggs – puszysta jajecznica

mayonnaise – majonez

soy sauce – sos sojowy

I like cooking with eggs. I particularly like breaking them. I can now do it with one hand, without breaking the yolk. Sometimes it gets messy and the egg white starts dripping down your arm.

yolk – żółtko

sometimes it gets messy – czasem może zrobić się bałagan, czasem można się pobrudzić

egg white – białko

drip – kapać, ociekać

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