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Listen a Minute – Obesity

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Obesity is a problem that is getting bigger and bigger around the world. It really hits rich countries. When people have money, they buy a lot of the wrong food. They become lazy and eat fast food. They also forget about exercise and sit in front of the TV instead.

obesity – otyłość

is getting bigger and bigger – staje się coraz większy

hit – uderzać, dotykać, sięgać

instead – zamiast tego

The worrying thing is that more and more children are suffering from obesity. This is a big problem. The number of overweight kids I see today is amazing. I think the reason is quite simple – junk food, video games and the Internet. When I was growing up, I had a balanced diet. I also spent most of my free time outdoors. I spent hours every day on my bike or playing football. Kids today hardly go outside. They are glued to one kind of screen or another – TV, computer or games console.

more and more – coraz więcej

suffer – cierpieć

overweight kids – dzieci z nadwagą

junk food – śmieciowe jedzenie

grow up – dorastać

balanced diet – zbilansowana/zrównoważona dieta

outdoors – poza domem, na zewnątrz

hardly – rzadko kiedy, prawie nigdy (nie)

glued – przyklejony

kind – rodzaj

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