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Listen a Minute – Zoos

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Zoos are very interesting, but I'm not sure if I agree with them. I like looking at the animals, but I always feel sorry for them. They usually look sad. Most of the time they are in tiny cages. They must miss the wild. I think animals need freedom as much as we do.

I feel sorry for them – żal mi ich

tiny – maleńki

miss – tęsknić

the wild – natura; in the wild – na wolności (o zwierzętach)

Zoo bosses argue zoos are an important way of educating children. Of course, that's true. However, with the Internet and television documentaries, there are many other ways children can learn about animals. Zoos also argue they are necessary to save endangered species. That may be true too, but most of the animals in zoos are not in danger of extinction. I suppose zoos are OK if they only have endangered animals and breed them for the wild.

argue – twierdzić, argumentować

documentary – film dokumentalny

necessary – konieczny, niezbędny

save – chronić

endangered species – zagrożone gatunki, gatunki zagrożone wyginięciem

in danger of extinction – zagrożone wyginięciem

breed – hodować, reprodukować

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