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Listen a Minute – Gossip

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I hate gossip. It really gets on my nerves. I really don’t understand why people gossip about other people. My office is full of gossip. They have nothing better to do. Surely, there are more important things to talk about. Gossip isn’t true. That’s why it’s gossip. OK, it might be true, but who cares? Gossiping is dangerous. It can make perfectly nice people look bad.

gossip – plotka, plotki; plotkować; plotkarz (gossip jest rzeczownikiem niepoliczalnym)

it really gets on my nerves – to naprawdę mnie denerwuje / gra mi na nerwach

they have nothing better to do – nie mają nic lepszego do roboty

who cares? – kogo to obchodzi?

I’m not sure if I’ve been the subject of gossip. I’m sure I wouldn’t like it if I was. I have some friends who buy gossip magazines. They love celebrity gossip. That’s even worse than office gossip. At least with office gossip you know the people. Any time someone comes to me to tell me the latest piece of “juicy gossip” or “hot gossip,” I tell them I’m not interested.

the subject of gossip – temat plotek

celebrity gossip – plotki o celebrytach

at least – przynajmniej

juicy/hot gossip – gorąca, interesująca, pikantna plotka

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