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Matura – Wypowiedź pisemna – Artykuł

Temat pochodzi z arkusza maturalnego maj 2016.

Oglądałeś(-aś) ostatnio mecz, podczas którego jeden z zawodników złamał zasady fair play. Napisz artykuł, w którym opiszesz tę sytuację, i uzasadnisz, dlaczego zwalczanie nieuczciwego zachowania sportowców jest niezbędne.

Aby napisać artykuł należy pamiętać o tym że:

  1. Artykuł powinien mieć tytuł.
  2. Artykuł powinien mieć interesujący wstęp.
  3. Artykuł powinien odnosić się do polecenia, czyli:
    1. opisanie złamania zasad,
    2. uzasadnienie dlaczego zwalczanie nieuczciwego zachowania jest ważne,
  4. Artykuł powinien mieć podsumowanie zgodne z tematem.
  5. Artykuł powinien zawierać od 200 do 250 słów (180-280 biorąc pod uwagę dopuszczalny margines).

Przykładowa realizacja tematu:

An unforgettable match

One day I received an invitation to a match. As a matter of fact, I was surprised as my friend knew I wasn’t a keen fan of football. I agreed to go with him to watch it. The match was between two famous Polish teams “Górnik Zabrze” and “Legia Warszawa” and though I was not a supporter of either team, we just went to enjoy good football. However, what I saw was far from good.

It all started quite peacefully, but the match soon turned into a fierce battle. One of the players tried to reach the ball, which often happens during a match. Yet this time he jumped with his studs straight on the leg of a striker from the opposite team. To top it all, he hit him in the face with his hand. As a result of this unfortunate collision the striker had his nose broken. Then, the fight between the teams started, which shouldn’t have happened.

In my view, all sports disciplines, not only the Olympic Games, should be based on fair play. Unfortunately, it seems to be not the case nowadays. Sport is not war. It is competition. The main purpose of it is to reveal the best competitor or team. However, it shouldn’t be done at all costs! Therefore, the rules designed to ensure fair play should be introduced and it’s essential to fight unsportsmanlike behaviour.

I’ve never thought football could be such a rough game. It would be more pleasant to watch if the rules of fair play were obeyed. We all should demand obeying them as well as sticking to them ourselves.

Liczba wyrazów: 273

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