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Matura – Wypowiedź pisemna – List formalny

Temat pochodzi z arkusza maturalnego maj 2015.

Jedna z gazet ogłosiła konkurs na pomysł kampanii zachęcającej do oszczędzania wody. Napisz list do redakcji. Opisz w nim sytuację, dzięki której uświadomiłeś(-aś) sobie wagę tego problemu, i przedstaw swoją propozycję takiej kampanii.

Aby napisać list formalny należy pamiętać o tym że:

  1. List formalny powinien zawierać zwroty: rozpoczynający i kończący.
  2. List formalny powinien być podzielony na akapity o odpowiednich proporcjach.
  3. List formalny powinien odnosić się do polecenia, czyli:
    1. opisać sytuację, która wpłynęła na uświadomienie sobie problemu,
    2. zawierać propozycję kampanii zachęcającej do oszczędzania wody.
  4. List formalny powinien zawierać od 200 do 250 słów (180-280 biorąc pod uwagę dopuszczalny margines).

Przykładowa realizacja tematu:

Dear Editor,

I am writing with regard to a competition in your magazine concerning a save water campaign. I think I have a suitable idea, and so I would like to enter this competition. At one time I personally suffered from a water shortage, and so, in my view, such a campaign is an essential undertaking.

Some time ago I happened to stay at my friend’s house, who lives in the Kujawy region. When I got up in the morning, I wanted to take a shower. However, when I turned on the tap, there was not a single drop. A friend of mine explained that during summer period it happens on a daily basis. As a result, we had to buy bottled water for a few days. It was very inconvenient and even shocking, hence my idea.

There are plenty of areas where water is more precious than money. We need to inform people about that fact, and this must also be shocking. I suggest making a poster. A little child standing in the desert under a shower. The child is looking up at the shower in the hope of water coming down on him. Though there is no water. Below the child I would give the caption: “Save water. To save me. To save the world.” The feeling of helplessness will definitely have a profound influence on wasting water.

Printing a few thousand copies of the poster and sending them out to schools, universities and public establishments will spread the message that we need to start saving water. I kindly request to submit my poster for the “Save Water” competition.

I look forward to your decision.

Yours faithfully,

Liczba wyrazów: 280

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