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Matura – Struktury leksykalno-gramatyczne – Słowotwórstwo

Uzupełnij luki, przekształcając wyrazy w nawiasach, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i poprawny gramatycznie tekst. Następnie kliknij przycisk Sprawdź. Słowa wpisane poprawnie zostaną zaznaczone na zielono, słowa wpisane błędnie zostaną poprawione i zaznaczone na czerwono.

Tips for organizing your time

I have been both an adult student and a teacher of adults. As part of my teaching schedule, I used to run a course in (person) life management. I learned as much as I taught in those sessions. Perhaps the biggest lesson for me and for my students was in effective, (thought) time management.

It’s easy to say, “I don’t have enough time.” But when we look at how we actually use our time, most of us can find ways to save hours spent in (use) activities. For example, you may need to commute, but you can use that better in most cases. If you have a half hour drive, you can use your car sound system to replay lectures, or notes you’ve dictated yourself. There’s an hour a day of (revise) If you take a bus, you can read as well as replay audio. The key is to use the time you have better. Unfortunately, you cannot (excess) the twenty-four hour daily limit, but you can make the most of the hours you’ve got.

How to become a better person

With no hint of (arrogant), I can declare myself a better person than I was in my teens and twenties. How did this (improve) come about? Probably the single largest factor and first step to becoming “better” was (accept) of myself and of others. I (use) to get tied up in knots wanting to make others see things or do things my way. This wasn’t out of (malicious), just a certainty that I knew best.

Inexpensive ways to keep kids occupied

Keeping a child occupied doesn’t have to cost a penny. Parents don’t need to feel intimidated by lack of arts-and-crafts-ability or musical or (theatre) talent to keep children (amuse) for free or on a budget. All it takes is a newspaper, possibly an Internet (connect), a “think outside the box mentality,” and a smidgen of fortitude.

Your local newspaper should list events for kids, some of which will be free or very (reason) priced, probably in the (entertain) section. Museums and galleries often run fantastic events for children, which can expose them to ideas and concepts not covered even on quality children’s TV programming.

What my garden taught me

Gardening had always been something that was (relax) and somewhat (spirit) in my (imagine). A gardener was an older lady wearing a sun hat, toting a basket of tools, and lovingly tending roses or begonias. Gardening was easy; my gran had made it look that way with her (outrage) beautiful balcony garden. My mom had done all the gardening work in our family home, so that definitely looked easy to me. That first summer of home and garden (own) I would learn that everything I thought I knew was utter myth, and I would learn it the hard way.

What to do if your child isn’t doing well in school

Most teachers will say that the biggest contributing factor to school success is parental (involve). This is not an abdication of (responsible), but an acknowledgment that even (outstand) teaching is no substitute for positive parenting. As long as you are (commit) to forming a team consisting of you, your child, and his school, your child will benefit. Report card time is not the moment to discover he is not coping, so make an effort to get in contact with the classroom teacher at the start of the year. Be sure to keep the lines of communication open. If there is a meet the teacher night, attend. Approach the teacher and let her know that you are (will) to meet with or speak to her at any time.

© 2004-2025 Jacek Tomaszczyk & Piotr Szkutnik