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Matura – Wypowiedź ustna – Zadanie 2 – Odpowiedź na pytanie 3

Pytanie trzecie w zadaniu drugim uchodzi za trudniejsze w porównaniu do tych w rozmowie wstępnej, czy 1-szego i 2-giego w opisywaniu zdjęcia. Jest tak dlatego, ponieważ w pytaniu trzecim do zdjęcia należy używać czasów przeszłych, a część osób zapomina o tym w stresie egzaminacyjnym. Oto przykładowe pytania wraz z przykładowymi odpowiedziami:

Tell me about a situation when something happened while you were practising some sport.

Yes, I remember such a situation. Last year I went jogging in the park. It was my usual 10-kilometre run. Suddenly, I stumbled over something and fell down. It turned out that my ankle was sprained and I had to have it immobilized in a splint. It hurt a lot and I had to give it a rest for some time.

stumble on/over sth – potknąć się na czymś / o coś
immobilize – unieruchamiać
in a splint – w szynie
give sth a rest – dać sobie spokój z czymś

Tell me about a situation when something happened to you or somebody you know during a trip.

A friend of mine had a pretty nasty adventure when he went on a trip to the mountains with his girlfriend. Last summer they went to Zakopane and they planned to climb the Tatra mountains. On the first day of their stay somebody stole their money from the room. The second day wasn’t any better as Marek broke his leg while climbing. They went back home disappointed.

pretty – dosyć, całkiem
a nasty adventure – nieprzyjemna przygoda
wasn’t any better – nie było wcale lepsze
climbing – wspinaczka, chodzenie po górach

Tell me about a situation when you or somebody you know had a problem with a computer.

Two weeks ago I had a problem with my computer. The screen suddenly went blank while I was doing some important work. I didn’t know what to do, I’m not so much of an expert as far as computers are concerned, so I called a friend of mine who is a computer geek. It turned out that I got a dangerous virus and it ended up in having my hard drive formatted. I lost lots of my important data.

the screen went black – obraz zniknał z ekranu
not so much of an expert – niezbyt wielkim ekspertem
as far as computers are concerned – jeśli chodzi o komputery
a computer geek – maniak komputerowy
it turned out that – okazało się, że
it ended up in – skończyło się na
hard drive – dysk twardy
data – dane

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