Pytania w części wstępnej mają za zadanie przygotować zdającego do czekającego go egzaminu. Podczas tej części, ponieważ największy stres jest na początku egzaminu, zadaje się najprostsze pytania. Odpowiedź na pytania wstępne nie jest punktowana. Zadaje się od 2 do 5 pytań w zależności od długości odpowiedzi zdającego. Ta część trwa maksymalnie 2 minuty. Oto przykładowe pytania oraz przykładowe odpowiedzi:
Do you enjoy cooking? (Why? / Why not?)
Yes, I do. I enjoy cooking because in this way I can control what I eat. It’s much healthier I my opinion.
What do you like about the place where you live?
Mostly the peace and quiet. I live in the country, so nothing much happens there. But for me, this makes it special.
Would you like to have an exotic pet? (Why? / Why not?)
Not really. Exotic pets could be dangerous. Besides, they require special treatment and equipment, so they are quite expensive to keep.
How often do you eat fast food? (Why? / When?)
I quite often eat fast food. Two or three times a week we go to KFC or McDonalds for some chicken wings or cheeseburgers with my friends.
What job would you like to have in the future?
I have no idea really. I was thinking of being a doctor, but now I think there’s too much studying. Perhaps a pharmacist is a much better option for me.
What do you use your computer for?
I use my computer to do lots of things, such as watching films, listening to music or just surfing the net. Nowadays, I prefer to use my mobile though. It’s much more convenient.
What subject did you like most? (Why?)
Well, I liked English and PE. We had funny English classes and I learnt a lot. PE helped me to relax between classes, which was really helpful especially before more difficult ones like Biology or Chemistry.
Do you like doing sports? (Why? / Why not?)
Of course I do. Most people like doing sports. I like swimming and jogging. Thanks to them I can keep fit and stay healthy. I sometimes enjoy playing team games with my friends.
© 2004-2025 Jacek Tomaszczyk & Piotr Szkutnik