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Słuchaj i ucz się – S-30. Young Photographers

Wersja do druku

Voice 1

photographer - fotograf

Hello. I'm Marina Santee.


Voice 2


And I'm Rachel Hobson. Welcome to Spotlight. This programme uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.


Voice 1


Two girls stand opposite each other. They stretch out their hands to reach each other. Behind their joined hands the sun sets. I cannot see their faces. I do not know their race or religion. What does this picture say? To me, it says, unity does not have to know limits.

opposite - naprzeciwko

stretch out hands - wyciągnąć ręce

set - zachodzić (o słońcu)

race - rasa

unity - jedność

Voice 2


Green fields stretch for many kilometres. A man stands on his small two wheeled cart. A horse pulls him forward. Together, they work the field. What does this picture say? To me it says, life is hard work.

stretch - rozciągać się

two wheeled cart - wózek dwukołowy

pull forward - ciągnąć do przodu

Voice 1


Wide eyes look into a camera. The light falls on a face. It shows a girl - she is fifteen, sixteen maybe. Her eyes are dark. They look straight at the camera. In front of her is a model of the world. What do her eyes say? To me, they look like they are asking for help.

look straight at - patrzyć prosto na

Voice 2


These pictures and messages are all from photographs. Using cameras, young people have taken these photographs. They have used them to express their feelings. They have even used them to influence and change the world around them. In today's Spotlight we look at the power of photographs.

express feelings - wyrazić uczucia

influence - wywierać wpływ

Voice 1


The pictures described above are all part of an international competition. It is especially for young people. It is organised by 'Shoot Nations.' This group encourages young people to 'shoot' or 'film' pictures in their nations. In this way they can 'capture the world through their eyes.' Photography is their tool of expression.

international competition - międzynarodowy konkurs

encourage - zachęcać

shoot - fotografować; filmować

capture - uchwycić

tool - narzędzie

expression - wyrażanie, ekspresja

Voice 2


In 2007, the group is asking young people these questions: What saddens you? What can you do about it? Who listens to you? Who do you look up to? Who rules your country? The idea is that young people record their answers in photographs. The winning photographs will be part of photography shows in major world cities - London, Madrid, Delhi and Dakar!

sadden - smucić

look up to - podziwiać, traktować jak autorytet

rule - rządzić

record - rejestrować, zapisywać

Voice 1


'Shoot Nations' is a new project. It is formed by two groups - 'Plan' and 'Shoot Experience.' Plan is a community development organisation. It centres on children. Plan works in over sixty countries around the world. It deals with the causes of poverty. Plan works with children, families and communities. The group's aim is to build a world where children are healthy, safe - and know their self worth.

community - społeczeństwo, społeczność

development - rozwój

centre on - skupiać się na

deal - zajmować się

causes of poverty - przyczyny biedy

Voice 2


'Plan' works with 'Shoot Experience'. This is a photography group. Through photographs, Shoot Experience connects people, ideas and cities. The group encourages people to record pictures of the world around them. They can record their ideas, questions and answers! Together, these groups hope that Shoot Nations will encourage young people to get involved in their communities, and in the world.

get involved - zaangażować się

Voice 1


Shoot Nations recognises the work of similar groups. All over the world there are skilled photography groups. They are using pictures to express their feelings, educate others and improve the world around them - wherever it is!

recognise - uznawać, doceniać

Voice 2


The Mwelu Foundation is a project in one of the most unlikely places. It is in the Mathare Valley Slum of Nairobi, Kenya. The group uses photography to reach young people in the slum. Workers provide children with simple cameras. They encourage them to capture 'everything that is good and bad' in their daily lives. In this way, the world can see the slum through the children's eyes. And the world can see that even here, amazing skill and talent exists .

slum - slamsy

provide - zaopatrywać, dostarczać

skill - umiejętność

Voice 1


The Mathare slum is one of the largest slums in Africa. Hundreds of people live there. The area is only a few square kilometres. The people live in poor temporary shelters. Human waste runs through the narrow paths. The waste rises and floods during heavy rain seasons. Every day is a struggle. People try to earn enough money to feed their hungry families. Every day people die because of disease, drugs, crime and violence. Who would believe that photography could influence and change this world? But it is!

temporary shelters - tymczasowe schronienia

waste - odpady

narrow path - wąska ścieżka

rise - rosnąć

flood - zalewać

struggle - walka

disease - choroba

drugs - narkotyki

violence - przemoc

Voice 2


Julius Mwelu is the founder of the Mwelu Foundation. He grew up in the Mathare Slum. A visitor to the slum gave him his first camera. He was only fourteen years old. Through photography Julius has taught people all over the world. His photographs tell them about slum life. He says,

founder - założyciel

grew up - dorastał

Voice 3


'I was born in the ghetto of Mathare Slum. I started taking photographs in 1997. A woman called Lana Wong helped me. In the beginning I used a throw away camera. In some of my first photographs I missed people's hands - and sometimes their heads! But after a few months I became better. I was then able to join a project called, 'Shoot back'. This is part of the Mathare Youth Sports Association project. A photographer published some of our photographs! Later, I managed to publish another book called 'Julius.' It is all about life in the slums.

throw away camera - aparat jednorazowy

missed people's hands - nie ująłem na zdjęciu rąk ludzi

manage - zdołać

At the same time I was also teaching young people in Mathare how to use a camera. At first, they were not interested. They just wanted to play football. But I explained to them what photography is all about. And they became interested.

explain - wyjaśnić

what photography is all about - na czym w ogóle polega fotografia/fotografika

In Mathare there are so many young people. Some of them are not in school. Many are on the streets - doing nothing. So I decided to help my community. I gave some young people cameras. I encouraged them to start taking pictures of their lives. And I tried to use their photographs for good. I showed people the skill that exists in the slum. They could see the slum through the eyes of the children.


I have learned that we should invest in the future of today's young people. It will make the world a better place for everyone to live in.


Voice 2


Julius' pictures are in books and on the internet. One of them is of a brown wheeled trolley. This picture is simple, but so effective. The trolley stands on huge grey stones. These trolleys are all over Kenya. People use them to transport goods. People often write on the back of their trolleys. The trolley in Julius' picture has the words - 'Set me Free.' This is the heart cry of many people at Mathare. This picture carries their voices to the world. They only hope it reaches ears that hear.

trolley - wózek

set me free - uwolnij mnie

Voice 1


Shoot Nation and Mwelu Foundation know that a picture really can speak a thousand words. Together, the young photographers are changing their own world. They are the best people to do this - because they are the future.


Voice 2


The writer and producer of today's programme was Marina Santee. The voices you heard were from South Africa, the United States and the United Kingdom. All quotes have been adapted for this program. Computer users can find our programmes, on our website at This programme is called, 'Young Photographers.'


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