Słownik 1500 popularnych angielskich fraz. Wybierz literę:
Aaccept an offer... |
Bback and forth... |
Ccall a strike... |
Ddaily life... |
Eearly bird... |
Fface to face... |
Ggain advantage over somebody... |
Hhand in hand... |
II beg to differ... |
Jjob market... |
Kkeep a secret... |
Llabour of love... |
Mmade for each other... |
Nnear to my heart... |
Oodds and ends... |
Ppack of lies... |
Qquality of life... |
Rrace against time... |
Ssave face... |
Ttake a firm stand on something... |
Uunder cover... |
Vvanish into thin air... |
Wwait one’s turn... |
Yyear in, year out... |
© 2004-2025 Jacek Tomaszczyk & Piotr Szkutnik